Knowing how to grow mushrooms at home will help you be more self-sufficient!
Growing your own mushrooms can be easy and fun for the whole family.
Whether you’re a fungi fanatic or a fan of truly fresh shrooms, you’ll be delighted to learn how to grow mushrooms…even with little space.
There are several different ways that you can start growing mushrooms from home.
In this post, I’m going to show you how to grow mushrooms from spore to fruit.
How To Grow Mushrooms At Home
1. Purchase Spawn

Purchase mushroom spawn (spores or mycelium) from a reputable supplier.
Different types of mushrooms require different spawn, so make sure you are getting the correct spawn for the type of mushroom you want to grow.
2. Sterilize Straw

Sterilize straw by boiling it in water for 30 minutes. Drain the straw and let it cool.
3. Mix Spawn And Straw
Mix the spawn with the cooled straw in a large container. You can use a ratio of about 1:5 spawn to straw, but this can vary depending on the type of mushroom and the spawn supplier.
Make sure the straw is fully colonized by the spawn.
4. Pack Into Grow Bag

Pack the spawn and straw mixture into a plastic growing bag or container with holes for air circulation. Seal the bag or container and incubate it in a warm, dark place (around 75-85F) for a week or two, until the straw is fully colonized by the mycelium.
5. Prep For FRuiting

Move the bag or container to a cooler and more humid location, ideally between 55-60F and 90-100% humidity, for the fruiting stage.
Keep the container in the fruiting area for about a week or two, until the mushrooms are fully grown.
Pick the mushrooms when the caps are fully open, and the gills are exposed.
Repeat the process again with the same straw after 2-3 weeks.
It’s important to note that different types of mushrooms have different requirements, so you may need to adjust the steps based on the type of mushroom you are growing.
Also, you should always use sterile techniques, such as using gloves and sanitizing all equipment, to prevent contamination.