Having edible weeds you can eat everyday will satisfy your snack cravings!
Although weeds are bad for your vegetable plants, not all of them are useless. Some can even be considered superfoods.
From Nettles to Plantains, I’m going to give you eleven of the best edible weeds to munch on!
11 Gourmet Edible Weeds
1. Dandelion

This popular root is beneficial for blood pressure, immunity, and overall cleansing.
It’s a natural diuretic that helps with urine production. Enjoy this weed in tea or add it to smoothies.
2. Purslane

With it’s tangy, lemon flavor, Purslane can be eaten raw or cooked.
This weed is high in omega-3s, antioxidants, and even vitamin C!
3. Chickweed

This weed is high in calcium and iron. When cooked like spinach, Chickweed can be a great addition to hearty or light meal recipes!
4. Lamb’s Quarters Edible Weed

Also known as “wild spinach”, this edible weed you can eat is high in protein!
5. Clover

These weeds can be added to salads and used as a garnish due to their light flavor.
6. Nettles

Depsite their sitinging hairs, nettle weeds are delicious and are full of iron!
7. Plantain

The leaves of from Plantain weeds have a mild-bitter flavor but are high in vitamin A, calcium, and potassium.
8. Wild Onion

If you like onions, you’ll love this edible weed! Wild Onion weeds have a strong flavor, perfect for soups!
9. Mallow

High in vitamin C, this edible weed is great for addingi a nutty flavor to salads.
10. Wood Sorrel

Visually similar to a 4-leaf clover, Wood Sorrel can be cooked into a stir fry for a tangy taste!
11. Violet

Did you know that violet flowers & leaves are edible? Sprinkle them onto salads and soups to add a floral effect!
Before consuming any wild plants, be sure to properly identify them and avoid any that may be toxic.
It’s also important to harvest them from areas that haven’t been treated with pesticides or other chemicals.
In conclusion, edible weeds can be a nutritious and delicious addition to your diet. With a little knowledge and caution, you can turn those pesky weeds into a nutritious addition to any meal.