Having a handy list of the easiest vegetables to grow in early spring will help you get your garden ready!
During warmer months, the opportunity to grow abundant varieties of produce is in full bloom.
From sprouts to root vegetables, you may want to experiment with different plants to get the most out of your summer harvest.
In this post, I’m going to list some of the easiest vegetable plants to grow in spring!
If you’re new to growing your own food, starting out with these easy spring vegetable plants will help you feel inspired.
Easiest Vegetable Plants To Grow In Early Spring
1. Turnips

One of the best plants to grow in spring is Turnips because of their fast harvest time and ability to thrive in cool temperatures.
You can harvest baby turnips and their greens within 2-3 weeks of planting.
2. Radish

Radishes should be planted 4-6 weeks before the last frost and grow best in sunny areas.
You’ll want to leave 2 inches between plants, this will give them enough room to flourish.
Radish vegetable plants are typically ready to harvest within 3 weeks.
3. Pea Shoots

Sprouts are among the easiest types of plants to grow in spring due to their low maintenance.
Try soaking the pea seeds in water overnight for stimulation, then spread an even amount on a planting tray with loam soil.
Pea shoots will begin to sprout within 2-3 weeks. Be sure to water them daily with just enough moisture.
4. Spinach

These early spring vegetable plants prefer cooler temperatures.
Spinach tastes best when its baby leaves are harvested, and reach maturity within 6 weeks.
5. Zucchini

Although technically a fruit, zucchinis are one of the best plants to grow in spring!
Plant zucchini seeds in a sunny area, 2-3 weeks after the last frost.
You can expect the plant to reach maturity in 5-6 weeks.
Zucchini plants develop big pointy leaves and fruit from yellow flowers.
The flowers can also be sautéed and used in recipes.
6. Basil

Herbs are among the easiest plants to grow and basil is one of our favorites!
If you don’t have a lot of growing space, herbs like basil can be grown by your kitchen window.
Read our post on how to grow basil from cuttings to start harvesting more basil.
7. Carrots

These orange household staples should be sown about 3 weeks before the last frost.
Carrots are best grown in moist soil that is fairly loose.
If you want to learn more on how to grow carrots from seed, check out our ultimate guide here.
8. Peppers

These delicious fruits should be started indoors and are ready for transplant after 8 weeks.
An easy method for starting peppers would be to wrap the seeds in a dampened warm paper towel, placed in a plastic bag.
Once the seeds sprout, you can transplant them into a pea pot before moving to the ground.
9. Potatoes

It’s best to plant potatoes chopped with their eye-side facing upward in the ground.
Sow them four inches deep and cover the bottom with extra loam soil as stems grow around 8 inches.
10. Garlic

Optimally planted in early spring 2 inches deep in organic soil, garlic is one that you’ll want to try growing!
Make sure the garlic is spaced 4 inches apart.
11. Sugar Snap Peas

When you’re craving sweet and crispy, sugar snap peas are a must-grow!
Sugar Snaps are ready to grow in 6-8 weeks and can grow vertically, so you’ll want to consider supporting them with a trellis.
12. Lettuce

Usually ready to harvest in 45-55 days, lettuce is best collected before its stems show above ground.
13. Cauliflower

Ready to harvest in 85-130 days, cauliflower is perfect for roasting and as a crunch addition to salads.
When cauliflower plants grow giant bushy leaves, you can expect the vegetable to show within weeks!
Those were thirteen of the easiest vegetables to grow in early spring this year!
Getting your garden started just takes patience and a bit of perseverance when the pests interfere.