Planting the best cover crops for gardens can help reduce weeds and promote water purity.
From Mustards to Legumes, there are a variety of crops that can help you grow healthier produce.
If you struggle with weeds or dry soil harming your plants, growing cover crops may be your solution.
In this post, I’m going to list nine of the best cover crops!
Best Cover Crops For Gardens
1. Legumes

Cover crops that are leguminous are excellent choices for improving soil health.
Clover, alfalfa, and peas are great examples. They fertilize nitrogen from the air and add it to the soil.
2. Cereal Grains

These are fast-growing cover crops that are best planted in the fall. Barley, Oats, and rye are cereal grains.
These add organic matter to the soil and protect it from erosion.
3. Buckwheat

This warm-season variety can be planted in late spring or early summer.
Buckwheat is a cover crop that shades out other plants and can help suppress weeds.
4. Mustards

Canola and oilseed radish are examples of mustard-based cover crops.
5. Fabaceae

This is a family of plants that includes a variety of peas and beans.
6. Phacelia

If you want to promote pollinators, phacelia is a must-have cover crop!
7. Brassica

Broccoli is one example of a Brassica cover crop. These crops keep pests away as well.
8. Sorghum Sudan Grass

This warm-season crop is great for reducing soil erosion and soil health.
9. Mixtures

A combination of cereal grains, legumes, and brassicas can also take your soil to a new level.
Those were nine of the best cover crops for your garden!
Keep in mind that the best kind of crop for your area will depend on what you’re growing. Consider consulting with a local expert for your specific needs.