The benefits of composting are wide-ranging and can revolutionize the way your garden plants grow forever.
Viewing food waste as fertilizer takes some adjustment, but once you get into the flow of composting you’ll want to make it a staple in your gardening routine.
From enhancing soil to easing plant disease, composting is something you’ll want to know about!
10 Benefits Of Composting For Every Gardener

Cuts Down On Waste
One of the best benefits of composting is that it promotes the recycling of food waste.
When you compost, you’re using the nutrients from food scraps that would otherwise be disposed of.
According to Feeding America, Americans waste more than $200 billion of food annually.
This number can drop drastically if everyone tries to compost some of their wasted food.

Not only does composting reduce your own food waste, but it ultimately minimizes the need for landfills!
The University Of Michigan states, “Composting significantly cuts down on the amount of trash in a landfill and reduces the costs and carbon emissions it takes to haul and process those materials.”(2)
Promotes Soil Moisture

Using compost to help your garden has a major benefit because it can help retain moisture. (3)
As you can guess, having better water retention in your soil can maximize your yields and save time!
Increases Soil Nutrition

Most fertilizers and pesticides require fossil fuels to ship, which can be harmful for your health.
Using organic compost has the best benefits because your enriching the soil with nutrition that fertilizers can’t compete with. (4)
Prevents Soil Erosion

Did you know that more than 2 billion tons of topsoil are lost due to soil erosion yearly?
Although this is a natural process, it’s not good for your plants because it strips away necessary soil.
You can prevent soil erosion by using compost because it increases water infiltration into the soil’s surface and reduces runoff. (5)
Saves Money

Backyard composting can save you lots of money long term because it’s free to make continuously(After the bin has been built). (6)
Supports Your Local Economy

Besides backyard composting, taking it to a larger scale(farming) can reduce the food waste of an entire city!
Businesses such as hospitals, restaurants, and grocery stores produce massive amounts of food waste.
Composting the scraps from these establishments can help grow higher-quality fruits and vegetables while reducing waste simultaneously.
Reduces Greenhouse Gas

Using compost can minimize greenhouse gas emissions by “improving carbon sequestration in the soil and by preventing methane emissions through aerobic decomposition.” (7)
Reduces Disposable Waste Costs

The cost of waste disposal is increasing and can be reduced with composting.
Helps You Keep Track Of Your Own Waste

If you’re on a budget(with inflation on the rise it’s highly possible), composting can help you keep track what you’re throwing out.
Creates More Jobs

The composting industry is growing fast and is creating more jobs for those in need of work.

Those were 10 benefits of composting that you’ll want to know about!