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The benefits of chia seeds are gaining widespread attention as more people try plant-based diets.
From protein, to fat, and even omega 3s, chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse that you’ll want to learn more about!
In this post, I’m going to detail six proven health benefits of chia seeds!
6 Benefits Of Chia Seeds
1. Helps build muscle

It’s estimated that chia seeds are composed of approximately 25% protein.
Protein is an essential macronutrient that predominantly plant-based eaters should be mindful of consuming adequate amounts of.
Surprisingly, Chia seeds have five grams of protein per 1/8th cup!
Think of it this way, three tablespoons of chia seeds equal one large chicken egg when comparing protein.
2. Improves Heart Health

If the protein wasn’t enough, you’ll be delighted to learn that chia seeds offer vital omega-fatty acids.
Harvard even says that chia seeds are beneficial for “cardiovascular health (lowering cholesterol, regulating heart rhythms and blood pressure, preventing blood clots, decreasing inflammation).”
At the baseline, chia’s cardiovascular benefits are mainly due to its Omega-3s!
3. Strengthens Bones

Maintaining bone strength as you age is important, this is why you should be consuming enough calcium per day(around 2,500mg).
Chia seeds offer a healthy dose of calcium with each spoonful! It’s estimated that one ounce of chia seeds contains 175mg of calcium.
Healthline.com states, “Chia seeds are high in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and ALA. All of these nutrients have been linked to improved bone mineral density.”
4. Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Chia seeds have been proven to lower bad LDL cholesterol, largely due to their high fiber content.
A Harvard journalist detailing chia’s benefits states, “Animal studies have shown that chia seeds can beneficially affect cholesterol levels”.
5. Treats Anemia

If you suffer from anemia, chia seeds can help nourish your body with the necessary iron.
One ounce of chia seeds contains 2mg of iron, that’s approximately 1/4th of your recommended daily intake!
Furthermore, The iron found in chia helps to improve your hemoglobin levels.
6. Helps Elevate mood

Remember the Omega-3 fatty acids we mentioned earlier? Well, it turns out that they can help make you happier!
According to a study on chia’s benefits for depression, it was found that “Cell signaling and structure of the cell membrane are changed by omega-3-fatty acids, which demonstrates that an omega-3 acid can act as an antidepressant.”
As you can imagine, calling a seed an anti-depressant is sure to make your pharmacist cringe.
Where To Get Chia Seeds
Those were six life-changing benefits of chia seeds that you’ll want to reap soon!
Be sure to read our previous post listing the benefits of apple cider vinegar!